
The above data is based upon the average annual returns since 12/31/12. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Results listed are as of 7/31/24. Results are based on data produced using outsourced portfolio management software that is fed directly by the clearing bank.

YTD - 07/31/24 - 3.38%
1 year - 10.28%
3 year - 4.93% (annualized)
5 year - 6.49% (annualized)

The above data is based upon the composite average annual returns since 12/31/12 net of fees. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. The results listed are as of 7/31/24.

CorePlus combines aspects of a traditionally managed portfolio with an active trading strategy. It is focused primarily on generating income with a growth component. Client accounts will be invested with the majority of the portfolio constructed to maximize income. A portion of the portfolio will be available to participate in leveraged active trading. Incorporating short-term trading strategies produces a unique opportunity to decrease the amortization of core holdings and promote portfolio growth. This strategy seeks to enhance the total return potential of client portfolios that are generally considered conservative in terms of risk tolerance. The combination of investment strategies provides the potential for higher yield and performance in a "blended" return.

The Bloomberg Municipal Index measures the performance of the Bloomberg U.S. Municipal bond market, which covers the USD- denominated Long-Term tax-exempt bond market with four main sectors: state and local general obligation bonds, revenue bonds, insured bonds, and pre-refunded bonds.

AH Williams portfolios have the ability to invest in AMT bonds as well as taxable municipal securities.

Click Here for important disclosure information about the Core Plus program